prof: "Frantcieska, you should prepare an anaerobic solution for tomorrow..."
me aka FRANCESCA!!!: "Of course, ready for tomorrow!"
In the meanwhile in my mind a huuuuge "How???" echoed...
Soon i realized that's not such a difficult work!
Of course an equipped lab is necessary! ;)
The formal protocol says that the first step is boiling the water.
According to some recent study this step doesn't influence the results. So we just need a nitrogen flow from the bottom of the bottle. But why???
How can a flow of nitrogen eliminate the oxygen molecules?
That's pretty cool! :)
Henry's law:
At a constant temperature, the amount of a given gas dissolved in a given type and volume of liquid is directly proportional to the partial pressure of that gas in equilibrium with that liquid.
The solubility of a gas in a liquid at a particular temperature is proportional to the pressure of that gas above the liquid. So if the nitrogen concentration in the air above the water is high, the oxygen in the water will try to spread in the air to set a new equilibrium between partial pressions inside and outside the liquid.
Generally nitrogen is used because of its low solubility in water and specially because it is an inert gas.
Mr William Henry (1775-1836) -Cool sideburns!
The analyte of our solution has to be added during the process, so when nitrogen is spreading.
The analyte of our solution has to be added during the process, so when nitrogen is spreading.
Of course it's necessary using particular stops to close the bottle. I used rubber stops with an aluminium cover.
That's all folk! :)
P.S. Check this link! :)